It's been just over 4 weeks since surgery! On Friday, I went to see my orthodontist again. He said that all was looking good and I got some x-rays taken. It was a very long appointment (even though he had only just managed to squeeze me in) as he took off some of the brackets and put them in new places, changed the wires and gave me new elastics. The elastics are in a new position to align the midpoint of my top and bottom teeth. He also managed to get rid of the gap between my two top teeth straight away! I would say that the change in elastics - having them pulling my bottom jaw backwards one side and pushing it forwards the other side - has been one of the most painful parts of recovery, particularly at night. It doesn't help when I lie on one side when I sleep but I can't help it!
I'm starting to get a bit fed up of blending all my food, but hopefully it will just be two more weeks.
I found out that I can't eat pizza for another two months though! 😠Also, when I drink anything, it keeps partly coming out my nose- does this happen to anyone else?! By the way, I got the job and start tomorrow! I hope they have a microwave, otherwise it's cold soup every day for me. I think the interviewer felt sorry for me as I couldn't talk very well!
The swelling has definitely gone down a lot as I can smile properly and can nearly completely feel my cheeks. My bottom lip/chin is also coming slowly back to life. Some of my friends have said I don't look much different to before surgery and some people have said I do look different/younger/slimmer! I think I will put all the weight back on when I can eat again!!