Sunday, July 22, 2018

3 months post-op!

Sunday 22nd July 
It's now been 3 months since my op! I've had two appointments with my orthodontist since my last post - one where he gave me a horizontal band to wear at night (from top left to bottom right) and another where he moved a bracket - he's such a perfectionist (drives the dental nurse crazy!!). The right side of my mouth is biting better than the left so he's trying to sort this. He also took some molds for the permanent retainer he is going to fit.

I turned 22 on the 28th June - I was hoping I wouldn't still be in braces at 22 but oh well. I'm happy with my smile at the moment; definitely feel more confident and my speech is more defined.

My next appointment is in 3 weeks time and I am getting my braces off - I'm soooo excited!!! I never thought the day would come!! I will make sure to update on here!

Thank you to everyone who has been viewing my blog - I can see you're from all over the world which is cool!
Taylor swift concert!


Cards for orthodontist and surgeon - teeth butterflies!

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