Wednesday, November 21, 2018

7 months post-op!

Wednesday 21st November 2018

Sorry for the lack of update! It's now been 7 months since my surgery - time goes so quickly!!

Not much has changed in terms of how my face looks, except for I think the swelling is mostly gone now. All of the numbness has also gone, which is great. My bottom teeth still feel quite sensitive, but I managed to eat an apple the other day for the first time in about 3 years!! I also occasionally get jaw pain on the right side of my face, especially if I don't wear my retainers (oops) but I think that's normal. I have been wearing my retainers alternate nights though.

I saw my surgeon last week and he said everything looks great but there's still a small gap between my top and bottom teeth on one side - apparently because my upper jaw is too narrow, but I don't think it can be corrected easily - plus I'm so done with dentistry!! I forgot to take photos of the x-ray - damn!

I've been to Amsterdam, the USA and Cornwall since my last post - managed to get some time off work! I have just quit my job and am heading out to the French alps for a ski season next week, exciting!

An attempt at a before/after photo - I failed miserably at taking before photos, sorry.
My friend's wedding

The US!

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Nearly 2 years post-op!

17th January 2020 Sorry for the late update (only a whole year). Not too much has changed in terms of teeth. I went back to my orth...