Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Day 1 post-op

20th April 2018
I didn't sleep much (if at all) the night after my op - maybe because my jaw was aching, or because the old people were snoring really loud, or maybe because I had just 'slept' for 7 hours! I think probably the former. It didn't help that my ward had no ice packs - which I have now found to be a good form of pain relief.

On day 1, I managed to drink another smoothie in the morning and some juice. I also got given porridge and tomato soup but struggled to eat either as the spoon couldn't get past the elastics in my mouth. I also wasn't particularly hungry. Mostly I just drank a lot of liquid nurofen and paracetamol!
I did get a few nose bleeds throughout the day, but pleased to say that I was able to breathe through my nose very well - much better than before the surgery. I think I was lucky in this sense. My nose also widened and tilted up (my nose was already pretty upturned!)

My mum was able to keep visiting as she works at the same hospital! At about midday I went to have two x-rays of my teeth taken - they weren't intrusive ones but my nose kept bleeding! Later, a doctor showed me how to change the elastics in my mouth to make it easier to eat. After an all-clear from my surgeon, my dad came to pick me up at about 5pm and I was able to go home - yay! The nurse gave me mouthwash, elastics, codeine tablets and antibiotics to take 3 times a day.

Chipmunk face!!

Me and my mum!
Chilling in the heat!

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Nearly 2 years post-op!

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